We’re committed to offering you the best products at the best price! If you find an identical product at another reputable retailer, we’ll match the price for you in the form of a refund after the item is purchased. We’ll also adjust our price for all future customers who receive that product.
The item must meet the following criteria:
- The item is identical in size and color and currently available at the retailer.
- The lower-priced item is found within 14 days of your Edit delivery.
- The item is not included in a retailer’s exclusive coupon or conditional/flash/promotional sale.
- The item is not found on a discount or auction site such as Amazon or eBay.
If the item meets these requirements, reach out and send us a link to it! We will refund you for the difference in the price you paid and the adjusted price (plus sales tax, if applicable) after the item is purchased.